Monday, June 20, 2011

From psychological jargon to silence

In several past years, we've seen so many self appointed individuals and groups mightily whistling a heated dialogue where personal attacks and rumors brewed without no form of maturity.

As a result, discussion lost it's meaning and became a stumbling block against progress, converting the time of learning into confusion. Such a political culture created leadership vacuum that depressed the diaspora Oromo political activity, while further fracturing  the Oromo Liberation Front into various shades.   This political environment also produced few midget minded tugs who currently serve the enemy as a hammer and nail against the Oromo people .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Farewell Ode to Tilahun Gessesse

 Redressing  the Disabuse of his Biography by the Abyssinian Corner Apr 27

The purpose of this article is to express my condolence to the families and friends of the beloved artist and to rectify also the disabuse of scribes of the Abyssinian corner and for the sake of setting straight his story. 

My Knowledge of Daandanaa Ayyaano Guddata, (aka Tilahun Gessesse Negussie)

The first time I met Daandanaa Ayyaano Guddata was in Tiqimt 1956 (about 1963). The place was Bella Haile-Sellassie, the Imperial Body Guards (Ye Kibri Zebenya Hospital, at Guchii (Sagon)) Division in Finfinnee/Shagaar. He was in full IBG military uniform standing at the gate.

I saw Daandanaa (Tilahun) again after he allowed us into the hospital standing with Captain Sahile Dagago of Illu Abbabor and chatting in Afaan Oromo. Of course, I heard about him before too that he was a singer from Ammayya. My visual knowledge of Daandanaa/Tilahun at first glance did not give me sufficient knowledge about him except an impression with his physical appearance - a handsome guy with good physical stature.

Towards a Better Knowledge and Understanding of his story...