Saturday, October 9, 2010

Burtukan’s Journey: From Dawn to dusk

Pre- election 2005

The vaguely known naïve lawyer came to the light of publicity when she released one Tigray mafia on bail. She released a hardliner Tigrean mafia named Siye Abraha on bail from detention and as a result made herself a deadly enemy of another Tigrean mafia which ruled the country. That gave her immediate popularity in the empire, particularly among power hungry Abyssinians whose spirit of ruling the country was irreversibly crushed during the socialist revolution in Ethiopia.
That was when ruminants of the feudal children, who at the time mobilized themselves under the name CUD, saw opportunity in the young naïve Oromo lawyer, to come back to throne. Father Naftenyas used Oromos for their political goals since the time of Menelik. It is unforgettable that Menelik himself used prominent Oromo leaders and horse mensuch as Gobana and Habtegiorgis Dinagde to crush the Oromo nation to effectively colonize them. After helping Menelik crush all Oromo forces and Sothern nations, Gobana was systematically eliminated. At this time in history again, the CUD leaders needed a mobilizing leader from among the Oromo, or at least with an Oromo blood, a leader that not only rally Abyssinians, but also certain section of the ’defiant’ Oromo mass.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is myth about Ethiopia!

Every nation has myths, superstitions, legends and tales. The national history of most countries in the world however is different from myths and superstitions. The case of Ethiopia seems different. In history classes, from high school to university, the education system teaches mythology. History book were derived from myth . An Habash history Professor at Addis Ababa university teaches myths. No body seems to save the country from these myths. Let me share some of these Ethiopian myths, which are taken as reality in most Habesha Ethiopian minds.
1). Connection to the Legendary queen of Sheba
Queen Sheba is a mystic figure. The Hebrew biblical account indicates there had been a trade relationship between the legendry king Salomon and an unnamed queen from the land of SHEBA. It was not indicated in this account where this land of SHEBA is. The Hebrew biblical text contains songs which some people interpret as a romantic relationship between the two.
In Arab and the Holy Quran, the same queen is referred to as Balqis, and she worshiped sun god and later king Solomon converted her to Islam. (1) The country over which she ruled was however not clear.
Historians trace queen Sheba to the Nile valley civilization, i.e, the Nubian civilization, to which Greek writers referred as Ethiopian. Some historians argue that the ancient Egyptian name Hatshepsut translates as "Queen of Sheba".